The Hebrew word Yare' (pronounced Yä-rā) literally means reverence or honor. It can be used for the word afraid, as in Genesis 3:10, but it is used more often for the word fear. This means that the phrase "fear of the Lord" denotes a reverence for the Lord; an honor for the Lord; a respect for who the Lord is in all His glory and majesty. It is more than just being afraid, although we should be afraid of the Lord in a sense because we know that He sovereignly reigns over everything, but fearing the Lord means that we should live with a holy honor for the Lord; that we should honor what He honors, respect what He respects, and revere what He reveres.
Some of that may seem redundant, but if we as Christians are to live all to the glory of God (cf. 1 Cor 10:31) we need to understand what it means to fear the Lord.
Although fearing the Lord means to have a reverence and honor toward Him, fearing the Lord is usually used in conjunction with obedience (Deut 5:29; Deut 6:2; Deut 8:6; 1 Sa 12:14; Psa 86:11). If we are going to learn to fear the Lord, we must be obedient to His commands; we must honor what He honors, and love what He loves. The Lord loves a people that revere and honor Him, and obey His commands. The Lord has commanded us to be holy because He is holy (1 Pet 1:15-16), to do everything in His name (Col 3:17), and to do everything for His glory (1 Cor 6:20; 1 Cor 10:31). Being Holy, doing everything for His name and for His glory is the first step towards fearing the Lord. Psalm 111:10 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever." (NASB).
All of that is just introductory.
My week began with this study because of some current events due to the release of a new book. It came to mind that we do not always fear the Lord as we should. If we did, we would not do anything that might bring a reproach on His name. Too often we do things before we think about them. We do not stop to say, "will this glorify God?" We treat others in a way that does not glorify God, we gossip about others in a way that does not glorify God, we watch things, say things, and do things that do not glorify God, and sometimes we even write books that do not glorify God. The truth we need to remember is that the Lord is the avenger of all things (1 Thess 4:6). One day we will be judged for the things we have done to bring a reproach on God's Holy name, and on those who have defrauded their brothers in Christ.
Because of this, we need to keep each other accountable. If one of us falls into the sin of bringing a reproach on Christ, we need to love our brother enough to point out their sin and beg them to repent because God is the avenger. We still have to bear the repercussions of our actions, but we must not continue to bring a reproach on Christ.
In order to avoid all of this, we desperately need to cultivate a fear or reverence for the Lord. This begins with being obedient to His commands, which are being set apart from the world and all immorality, and doing everything in the name of and for the Glory of God.
Because of this, we need to keep each other accountable. If one of us falls into the sin of bringing a reproach on Christ, we need to love our brother enough to point out their sin and beg them to repent because God is the avenger. We still have to bear the repercussions of our actions, but we must not continue to bring a reproach on Christ.
In order to avoid all of this, we desperately need to cultivate a fear or reverence for the Lord. This begins with being obedient to His commands, which are being set apart from the world and all immorality, and doing everything in the name of and for the Glory of God.